The mission of SECO is to provide education and information to help you succeed and one of the most popular events is the roundtable discussions. Each night will feature up to 24 industry experts including the main Mastermind Series speakers. You will have one-on-one access to pick their brains and get answers to any questions you may have concerning the MH industry. Along with the subjects covered in the Mastermind Series our roundtable hosts are experienced in the following areas:

  • Small Park Acquisition
  • Institutional Lending
  • Local Lending Internet
  • Marketing RV Parks
  • Self Storage
  • Industry Trends
  • Large Park Acquisition 
  • Why invest in real estate
  • Why invest in MHCs
  • What’s a MHC worth
  • Large vs. small MHC
  • What’s typical OER
  • Septic tank, WWTP
  • Might a 1031 justify a premium
  • What IRR
  • POHs – value (asset or liability) – DO NOT capitalize like MHC, convert to L-O (mo. pmt., term, discount rate)
  • Property mgt.
  • New homes – options, size, features, cost, marketing
  • NIMBY, rape & pillage operators
  • MHC Development

The roundtables are your chance to have direct access to industry leaders and consultants and learn as they answer questions from others.  It’s also a unique opportunity to network with other community owners and build relationships.