Calling all small- and mid-size community owners from the U.S. and Canada!

As the old saying goes, a rising tide floats all boats

  • Network with Fellow Community Owners and Managers
  • Hear the Good, the Bad & the Ugly from Fellow Community Owners
  • Explore New Ways to Run Your Community
  • Acquire the Knowledge to Better Your Bottom line
  • Get Tips from the Experts – Steps to More Efficient Ways to Finance
  • Share Ideas and Best Practices to Ensure Greater Success
  • 501(c)(3) dedicated to community education

Over 700 community owners, managers, sponsors, exhibitors, vendors, and other industry personnel from 35+ states are expected at SECO23.  This year features a golf tournament, Braves Game, 911 tribute, keynote speakers, educational sessions, receptions, display homes, meals, and lots of networking.

SECO is a non-profit organization exclusively serving the needs of community owners and property managers. All aspects of our program are planned by, and for, community owners. As a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, net proceeds fund projects for veterans and first responders living in manufactured housing communities.

Who should attend? Anyone who owns or has an interest in the health and operation of manufactured home communities. Programming is focused on tactics that can benefit those owning one to 100 communities. This certainly includes the owners and investors, but also is beneficial for general managers and managers. The networking opportunity with owners/operators will be beneficial for lenders, suppliers, home manufacturers and corporate property managers as well. But there is no mistake – this is a gathering directed by community owners for community owners.

We are in this together and everyone has something important to share!


SECO Mission Statement  
Educate, inform and inspire manufactured home community owners.


SECO Objectives:

  • Encourage community owner networking and education
  • Promote community-series-home (CSH) acquisition, financing and sales
  • Facilitate community acquisition, financing, management and sales
  • Provide affordable housing
  • Improve the community segment of the manufactured housing industry as responsible business owners and professional managers.


  • Small- & mid-size community owners and managers
  • Panel discussions by operators
  • Specialized individual presentations
  • Vendors
  • Sponsors
  • 501(c)(3) dedicated to community education



A bit more than 12 years ago, about a dozen community owners in Georgia came together to talk about mutual concerns and aspirations for their parks and the residents who live in them.

Later that same year, about 50 southeastern community owners met in a hotel conference room in Atlanta with the same idea in mind. David Roden, one of the organizers, recalls telling himself “If we’re successful, they’ll be successful.”

Each year the effort has grown, with contributions from about 10 other southeast community owners, and topics of conversation have ranged from basic maintenance to resident screening, web marketing and finance strategies.

SECO stays close to the needs of small- to mid-size community owners, addressing issues that even with today’s technologies are not easily addressed from this middle market position.

Each year is a set of new topics and speakers, but the goal remains the same.

“This is a program put on by community owners for community owners,” Spencer Roane, another organizer, said, “This is not an outside party trying to talk to you about your business and hoping to make some money.

“We want to create and promote nice looking, healthy communities filled with nice homes and people who are happy to be where they are,” said Roane. “We don’t think that’s too much to ask, and we find we’re not alone.”