7:15 p.m.  First Pitch Monday, September 8th, 2025

Atlanta Braves Stadium SECO 23


The RED HOT Atlanta Braves are playing the Chicago Cubs
at 7:15 pm on Monday, September 16, 2025

The Truist Park stadium and the popular Battery with its many restaurants and “watering holes” are within walking distance of the SECO25 venue – Renaissance Waverly Hotel. SECO has obtained a block of 50 tickets in the very attractive section 216 of the ballpark and is offering them to SECO24 attendees for only $115 each.

The popularity of the World-Series-bound Braves this year is expected to push the price of these tickets to double that cost by the time the first pitch is thrown!

Click here to buy tickets

Braves Game Map


Buy Tickets

No Refunds After 8/1/2025.

Braves Game


Come and watch the Atlanta Braves play the Chicago Cubs on Monday September 8th @ 7:15 pm! 

Click here for more information.